Rewrite each sentence so that the verb underlined is a negative…

murz8 27 октября 2023

Rewrite each sentence so that the verb underlined is a negative contraction. 1. Naomi and Bill are watching television. Naomi and Bill aren’t watching television. 2. Pater likes chocolate cake. … 3. Carol drives a little red sports car. … 4. I'm using this pencil at the moment. … 5. The children are having lunch in the kitchen.… 6. The sun sets in the east. … 7. I get up early on Saturday. … 8. Kate is writing a novel. … 9. Sue lives in London. … 10. We’re waiting for you. …

категория: английский язык


2. Pater doesn't like choclate cake.3. Carol doesn't drive a little red sports car.4. I am not using this pencil at the moment.5.The children aren't having lunch in the kitchen.6. The sun doesn't set in the east.7.I don't get up early on Saturday. 8. Kate isn't writing a novel.9. Sue doesn't live in London.10. We aren't waiting for you.

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