Решите пожалуйста.1) Read the sentence and write another one with…

stiks 06 сентября 2023

Решите пожалуйста.1) Read the sentence and write another one with the same meaning.Use the Passive Voice.1.Students use computers at theirlessons.2.Joseph Turner painted this unforgettable landscape.3.Their team lost the game yesterday.4."Our team will win the prise",said the boy.5.They usually visit Mr Black in the evening.

категория: английский язык


1) 1.Computers are used by students every day2.this unforgettable landscape was painted by Joseph Turner.3.The game was lost by the team yesterday.4The prise will be won byoyr team -said the boy5.mr Black is usually visited by them in the evening2) 1.did2.would fall3.were,would try

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