Read this email. Each line (62-68) has one extra word

alexhao 21 сентября 2023

Read this email. Each line (62-68) has one extra word. Delete the word. Dear Mr Folds __________________________________________________ (62) Thanks youvery much for the website text. (63) Unfortunately, it is rather long at present so that I am (64) writing to ask if you can cut it down to the 100 words. (65) In my experience, users are not very so happy to read (66) anything over this length. I’d would be grateful if (67) you could send for me the new text by Friday. (68) Let me to know if this is a problem. Best regards Takeshi.

категория: английский язык


Dear Mr Folds __________________________________________________ (62) Thanks you very much for the website text. (63) Unfortunately, it is rather long at present so that I am (64) writing to ask if you can cut it down to the 100 words. (65) In my experience, users are not very so happy to read (66) anything over this length. I’d would be grateful if (67) you could send for me the new text by Friday. (68) Let me to know if this is a problem. Best regards Takeshi.

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