Раскройте скобки. 1 The keys (give) to me tomorrow

korteller 18 сентября 2023

Раскройте скобки. 1 The keys (give) to me tomorrow. 2 The children just (give) some sweets. 3 I (wait) bu my friends at the airportat the momeht. 4 This book (read) by millions of people all over the world last year. 5 I think this book (chose) by many people nowadays. 6 The letter already (send) 2 перепишите предложения в страдательном залоге. 1 He opens the door. 2 sheila is drinking a cup of tea now. 3 I have eaten a hamburger. 4 My father is washing the car 5 she pays a lot of money every year 6 I draw a picture yesterday 7 she sang a song 8 we stopped the bus 9 we have alredy cycled five miles 10 Jane will buy a new computer naxt week Millions of people will visit the museum 12 I am writing a poem at the moment 13 I have just opened the present.

категория: английский язык


Раскройте скобки.1 The keys will be given me tomorrow.2 The children have just be given some sweets.3 I am being waited by my friends at the airport at the momeht.4 This book was read by millions of people all over the world last year.5 I think this book is being chosen by many people nowadays.6 The letter has been already sent. 2 перепишите предложения в страдательном залоге.1) The door id opened by him.2) A cup of tea is being drunk now by Sheila3) A hamburger has been eaten4) The car is being washed5) A lot of money are payed every year6) A picture was drown yesterday7) A song was sung 8) The bus was stopped 9) Five miles have been already cycled10) New computer will be bought next week11) The museum will be visited12) A poem is being written at the moment13) The present has just been opened

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