Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form

betepok 02 ноября 2023

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form. There is an old castle in Warwick which is believed to (1. haunt). It (2. call) Black Castle andit (3. say) that ghosts can (4. see) there at night. The castle (5. build) 300 years ago and (6. own) by two old ladies who (7. believe) to be witches. One day, long ago, they both disappeared and they (8. never, see) again. In 1995 the castle (9. buy) by a businessman and (10. convert) into a luxurious hotel. The castle (11. visit) by quite a few guests every year and special groups (12. organize) to watch for ghosts. It has been a long time since any ghosts (13. see) , but one night a trick (14. play) on some visitors by a local couple, who dressed up as two” ghosts” . They (15. see) by a guest, who said she (16. frighten) almost to death. The couple apologized the next day.

категория: английский язык


1) Hunted2) Called3) said4) see5) was built6) owned7) belived8) were never seen 9) was bought10) converted11) was visited12) organized13) were seen14) played15) were seen16) was frighted

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