put the verb into the correct tense: the Present Simple…

makskyr 22 октября 2023

put the verb into the correct tense: the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.a) we usually______ (take) the bus to town; but today we _____ (go) by carb) where ______ you usually______ (go) on Friday evenings? To a disco c) it"s 11,30 why _____ you_____ (work) so late? because i_____ (have) a lot of homework. d) what_____ you usually______ (have) for breakfast? Toast. But today I______ (have) some fruit because there isn"t any bread. e) The telephone________ (ring).Can you answer it? "OK" пожалуста это тест 6 класса помагите на британском пишите

категория: английский язык


a) we usually take (take) the bus to town; but today we are going (go) by carb) where do you usually go (go) on Friday evenings? To a discoc) it"s 11,30 why are you working (work) so late? because i have (have) a lot of homework. d) what do you usually have (have) for breakfast? Toast. But today I am having (have) some fruit because there isn"t any bread.e) The telephone is ringing (ring).Can you answer it?

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