Put the sentences below in the interrogative and negative form

maclein 12 октября 2023

Put the sentences below in the interrogative and negative form. 1) The musicians are performing. (?) 2) Mary is drinking Cola. (?) 3) The clowns areholding ballons. (?) 4) I am taking pictures of my friends. (?) 5) You,re feeling tired. (?)

категория: английский язык


1) The musicians are performing. The musicians are not performing. Are the musicians performing? 2) Mary is drinking Cola. Mary is not drinking Cola. Is Mary drinking Cola? 3) The clowns are holding ballons. The clowns are not holding ballons. Are the clowns holding ballons? 4) I am taking pictures of myfriends. I am not taking pictures of myfriends. Am I taking pictures of myfriends? 5) You're feeling tired. You are not feeling tired. Are you feeling tired?

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