Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps

zolter 15 сентября 2023

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Present Perfect Continuous. Example: How long ___ she ______ here? (to sing) – How long has she been singing here? 1. Max _____________ this comic book. (not to read) 2. How long ___ they _____________ French? (to learn) 3. I _____________ for two months now. (not to drive) 4. ___ she _____________ the whole morning? (to walk) 5. Who _____________ in the garden? (to dig) 6. It _____________ much in this area. (not to rain) 7. How long _____ you _____________ this earring? (to wear) 8. Marie _____________ in her diary. (not to write) 9. ____ he _____________ matchstick figures the whole lesson? (to draw) 10. What ______ we _____________? (to do)

категория: английский язык


1. hasn't been reading2. have they been learning3. haven't been driving4. Has she been walking5. has been digging6. hasn't been raining7. have you been wearing8. hasn't been writing9. Has he been drawing10. have we been doing

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