Привет. Помогите пожалуйста. Это очень важная работа

glukas 09 ноября 2023

Привет. Помогите пожалуйста. Это очень важная работа. Sunday is the day we usually go out for a drive. I (1) … . (learn) to drive at the moment,so sometimes my husband Bob (2) … . (let) me drive the car. However, last Sunday something (3) … . (happen) which made him change his mind. Bob (4) … (drive) for almost ten years and he’s very proud of the fact that he (5) … (never/ have) an accident. We (6) … (just/ leave) the house. I (7) … (drive) along the road quite slowly, when we heard a terrible crashing sound. Something (8) … (fall) off the roof of the car, then landed on the bonnet. When we looked, we saw that it was a bucket of water! I (9) … . (clean) the car before we set off and had left it on the roof. Bob says that in future he (10) … (do) the driving and the cleaning!

категория: английский язык


1 am learning2 lets3 happened4 has been driving5 has never had6 had just left7 was driving8 fell (had fallen) 9 had cleaned10 will do

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