Пожалуйста! Нужно сочинение на английском языке о семье состав семьи…

bulik64 24 июля 2024

Пожалуйста! Нужно сочинение на английском языке о семье состав семьи таков мама папа я сестра младшая если можно то побольше

категория: английский язык


My family isnot large. I have got mother, father andgrandmother. There are four of us in thefamily.First of all some words about myparents. My mother is a teacher ofbiology. She works in a school. She likesher profession. She is a good-lookingwoman with brown hair. She is 44 butshe looks much younger.My father is programmer. He isforty-six. My father often sings and whenwe are at home and have some free time Iplay guitar and we sing together. He isalso handy with many things. When hewas small he liked to take everything topieces. My grandmother told me a storythat once my father tried to repair theirkitchen clock but without success. Theyhad to give it to a repairman. But ithappened a long time ago. Now he canfix almost everything.My parents have been married for 18years. They have much in common, butthey have different views on music,books, and films. For example my fatherlikes horror films and my mother likessoap operas. My father is fond of tennis.My mother doesn’t go in for sports.My parents are hard working people.My mother keeps house and takes care ofmy father and me. She is very good atcooking. My grandmother is a pensioner.She lives with us and helps to run thehouse. She is fond of knitting.I want to become a student. I’d liketo learn foreign languages. I always try tobe in a good mood.

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