Поставьте глаголы в Past Continuous или Past Indefinite1. I…

fringe 02 ноября 2023

Поставьте глаголы в Past Continuous или Past Indefinite1. I… television when the phone rang, (watch) 2. When die ambulance came, we… him into it. (carry) 3. She… her car when she suddenly felt ill. (drive) 4. When he saw me: he… the wall. (M) 5. We… to die radio when it suddenly stopped working, (listen) 6. Why… cards when he walked into the office? (you play) 7… you when you gave diem the money? (they thank) 8… .when you turned on the gas? (you smoke) 9. When I arrived, they… hello but continued working, (say) 10. When I got to the hospital, she… in the waiting room, (sit)

категория: английский язык


1.was watching2.carried3.was driving4.? 5.were listening6.were you playing7.Did they thank8.Were you smoking9.were saying 10. was sitting

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