Поставь глаголы, данные в скобках, в past simple или present perfect

coolsense 11 октября 2023

Поставь глаголы, данные в скобках, в past simple или present perfect. 1) I_____ (not/play) tennis sice I was at scool but I _____ (be) very good at it backthen. 2) Mr and Mrs Little _____ (visit) Egypt.They ____ (go) there on holiday in 2007. 3) A: ________ you ________ (choose) a dress for the party yet? B: Yes,I________ (buy) one yesterday. 4) A: ________you_______ (see) any new films lately? B: Yes,I _______ (watch) the new James Bond film last week. 5) I think our teacher____________ (forget) about the test! He ____ (not/say) anything about it in the last lesson! 6) Sarah_________ (break) her leg.She _____ (fall) off a horse last week. A: _______ (you/sell) your house yet? B: Yes,some people_____ (see) it last month and ______ (buy) it. 8) I______ (finish) decorating my room.I_______ (paint) it last week and I_______ (put up) the new curtains last night. 9) They _______ (lose) their cat.It_____ (run) away last week. 5)

категория: английский язык


1haven't played was2visited went3have chosen bought4have see watchedn5forgotdidn't say6 has broken fell did sellsaw, have bought8 finishedpainted, put up9have lostran

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