Помогитее: D Hi Beth, (1) __________ you have a good holiday?

zvaerg 12 ноября 2023

Помогитее: D Hi Beth, (1) __________ you have a good holiday? I phoned you several times this morning, but you (2) __________ answer, so I think you were in bed. I’m sure the plane arrived late last night. I can’t wait to talk to you! What was the hotel like? Did you meet (3) __________ interesting people? How much did you spend?! Last week here was quite boring really. I didn’t (3) __________ anything interesting. I worked at the farm shop for three mornings and then I spent all the money in one afternoon! I didn’t buy the new George Clooney DVD, but I borrowed it from Jason. You can watch it with me tomorrow. I didn’t go online because there were some problems with our computer. So I couldn’t send you an email, but I (5) __________ a couple of text messages. Did you get them? Also – I didn’t do any schoolwork! It’s the holidays! Phone me soon and tell me what you did in Ireland! Love,Amanda

категория: английский язык


1.did 2. Didn't 3. There (там) или many (много) 4. Do 5. Sent you

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