Помогите вставить his, her, mine, yours 1 Have you seen … watch?

olgert 10 ноября 2023

Помогите вставить his, her, mine, yours 1 Have you seen … watch? She cant find it. 2 Whose coat it this? — Its …! 3 I dont like these jeans… . aremuch better 4 Thats your dictionary on the desk… . is in his bag. 5 Liza usually cleans … shoes, James clean … , and I clean … . 6 This is my house and … is round the corner.

категория: английский язык


1 Have you seen her… watch? She cant find it. 2 Whose coat it this? — Its .mine…! 3 I dont like these jeans… yours… are much better 4 Thats your dictionary on the desk. His… is in his bag. 5 Liza usually cleans .her… shoes, James clean his… , and I clean … mine… 6 This is my house and .yours… is round the corner.

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