Помогите составить диалог: 1.ask about the plans for the weekend…

slavak 14 ноября 2023

Помогите составить диалог: 1.ask about the plans for the weekend 2.say that you dont have any plans yet/ask why your partner isinterested

категория: английский язык


-Hello-Hi-Do you have any plans for this weekend? -No, I don't.Why are you interested in? -I don't have any plans too. What about going to the restorant? -I'm sorry but I don't have enouth money. How about going to the cinema? -I'm afraid i can't.I've been there recently. Don't you want to hang out and wisit the new shoping mall? -That's a good idea.See you at 4 o'clock near the music shop.-All right.See you.

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