Помогите пожалуйста ребята поставить предложения в passive voice…

ivan7 03 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста ребята поставить предложения в passive voice, буду очень благодаренвам! 1) She will write a new book. 2) Mother does not allow me to come home late. 3) The guide organized excursion well. 4) The pupils planted many trees near school. 5) My little sister broke a cup. 6) Our grandmother will send the telegram. 7) A man showed me the way to her house. 8) I will translate this text in the morning. 9) The doctor examined patients every day. 10) The enemies attacked the city.

категория: английский язык


1) A new book will be written by her.2) I am not allowed to come home late by my mother.3) Excursion was organized well by the guide.4) Many trees were planted by pupils near the school.5) A cup was broken by my sister.6) The telegram will be sent by our grandmother.7) The way to her house was showed me by the man.8) This text will be translated by me in the morning.9) Patients are examined by doctor every day.10) The city was attacked by the enemies.

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