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juliett 15 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста! Прошу! WEATHER HOME TASK Open the brackets to complete the sentences. 1. It was frosty yesterday. And when I (come) _________ home, it still (snow) _____________________________.2. It is usually cold in winter in Russia. I (wear) _____________warm clothes.3. – What you (wear) _________________________________? – It’s my new raincoat made of plastic.4. The weather (change) ___________________ so quickly you never know what to wear.5. The morning was foggy and cold but then the weather (change) _____________ and we (go) ______________ on a picnic.6. When at last the Browns (get) __________ to the lake, it (rain) _____________________heavily.7. The weather forecast (say) ____________ it (rain) _______________ today but look, the sun (shine) __________________________.Yesterday we (decide) to go to the beach where we (swim) ______________ and (lie) ___________ in the sun

категория: английский язык


1. came/ was snowing2. wear3. are you wearing4. changes5. changed/ went6. got/was raining7. said/is going/ is shining8. decided/ were swimming/ не знаю, как будет «лежать» в настоящем времени, позор мне. А так посмотри и все ок будет

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