Помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы, по тексту:…

dmitriydudar 27 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы, по тексту: *1. What kind of book is the text taken from? 2. have you read other books of that kind? what were your impressions? 3. Who are the main characters? 4. what is unusual about them? 5. what do you think will happen in the part of the story you are about to read? You are going to read a part of a story taken from the book /, Robot by Isaac Asimov. Robot Robbie is the nanny of a girl, Gloria. Huge Robbie and the little girl enjoy spending time together. They have a lot of things they like to do. Gloria invents funny and thrilling games that would not be as exciting without her friend, and Robbie likes listening to her amusing stories for hours. Even when Gloria tells him well-known fairy tales, it makes him feel delighted and he wants to listen to her stories again and again. He even agrees to be "a big silver air-coaster" for Gloria when she promises to tell him the story of Cinderella again. They have become very close friends and seem to understand each other very well. Gloria enjoys Robbie's company and the robot seems to be a very caring nanny for the girl.

категория: английский язык


1) probably, its taken from some book for children2) no3) nanny robot Robbie and his friend Gloria4) they are best friends even though Robbie is a robot, they have fun and enjoy each other5) may be they will continue having fun together

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