Помогите пожалуйста, Open the brackets…

erema 11 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста, Open the brackets, put the verbs into the present simple. 1) Kate usually (to dress) at eight o'clock.2. My mother always (to have) breakfast at a quarter past seven.3. She usually (to wash up) at eight o'clock in the evening.4. I often (to go) to the school sportsground in the afternoon.5. My little brother (to play) with his toys in the evening.6. Her mother (to go) shopping every day.7. We usually (to have) supper at seven o'clock.8. You often (to come) home at three o'clock.9. They (to like) to watch tv in the evening.10. Their friends usually (not to go) to school on Saturdays.11. My father (not to have) dinner at three o'clock.12. I (not to come) home at ten o'clock.13. We usually (not to do) our homework on Sundays.14. Her friend (not to go) to the cinema every week.15. My mother usually (not to go) shopping in the morning.16. I (not to like) to play badminton.17, He (not to take) a shower in the afternoon.18. She (not to go) to bed in the morning.

категория: английский язык


1. Kate usually dresses at eight o'clock.2. My mother always has breakfast at a quarter past seven.3. She usually washes up at eight o'clock in the evening.4. I often go to the school sportsground in the afternoon.5. My little brother plays with his toys in the evening.6. Her mother goes shopping every day.7. We usually have supper at seven o'clock.8. You often comes home at three o'clock.9. They like to watch tv in the evening.10. Their friends usually don't go to school on Saturdays.11. My father have not a dinner at three o'clock.12. I don't come home at ten o'clock.13. We usually do not our homework on Sundays.14. Her friend doesn't go to the cinema every week.15. My mother usually goes shopping in the morning.16. I don't like to play badminton.17, He doesn't take a shower in the afternoon.18. She doesn't go to bed in the morning.

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