Помогите пожалуйста очень срочно!

demon0411 22 марта 2024

Помогите пожалуйста очень срочно! Напишите открытку на тему: как я провел новогодниеканикулы.

категория: английский язык


Winter Break.I am very glad when winter break begins. My friends and I go to the rink, where we play hockey or just a lot and skating. We also love to sculpt snow woman. Playing snowballs is too great zadovolennya.Koly snowfall we like to ride a sanchatah.Hlopchyky and girls happily spend time! And yet come to visit and we had lots spilkuyemsya.Winter Vacation help relax to the new forces continue to learn! It was Sunday. Mom was busy in the kitchen — cooking delicious dinner. There were such a sweet! And we dad collected things to go to my grandmother.The road was long, it is not surprising, because my grandmother lived in the Carpathian Mountains. We went there not only to visit the child, as a rest, skiing and skating. It was incredibly beautiful especially when advancing evening. Snow circled as if it purposely makes Uncle Frost, who at the time was decorated windows snowflakes.In the Carpathians, we went to the mountains, riding on the sled and ski. Improbable memories were those wonderful days in the Carpathians.

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