Помогите, пожалуйста, очень надо!

miclucho 22 ноября 2023

Помогите, пожалуйста, очень надо! Write questions using the words in brackets. 1. Jim is going to eat a pizza. (What) … 2. I saw an old friend lastweek. (Who) … 3. Tom has got a radio. (computer) … 4. Jane cleans the room once a week. (How often) … 5. He works in a bank. (Where) … 6. I left school ten years ago. (When) … 7. Jill goes to the cinema once a month. (How often) … 8. I have been a teacher for ten years. (How old) … 9. Mike is going to cut the grass. (What) … 10. I saw my grandfather yesterday. (Who) …

категория: английский язык


1. Jim is going to eat a pizza. What is Jim going to eat? 2. I saw an old friend last week. Who saw an old friend last week? 3. Tom has got a radio. Has Tom got a radio or a computer? 4. Jane cleans the room once a week. How often does Jane cleans the room? 5. He works in a bank. Where does he work? 6. I left school ten years ago. When did I leave school? 7. Jill goes to the cinema once a month. How often does Jill go to the cinema? 8. I have been a teacher for ten years.How old have you been a teacher? (лучше спросить How long 9. Mike is going to cut the grass. What is Mike going to cut? 10. I saw my grandfather yesterday. Who saw the grandmother yesterday?

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