Помогите пожалуйста к завтрашнему дню поставить слова в активный…

adolf 13 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста к завтрашнему дню поставить слова в активный или пассивный залог пример 0Florida (0) has (to have) a lot of wildlife. A lot of animals (1) ______ (to find) in and around Florida. Some animals (2) ______ (to protect).Special care (3) ______ (to take) of the manatee, bald eagle, sea turtle, and porpoise. The manatee is a large se animal. it isn't afraid of people and often (4) _____ (to play) with swimmers. Bald eagles (5) ____ (to like) the Florida climate , but when people) 6) ______ (to build) more houses , eagles (7) _____ (to have) fewer places to build their homes. The Miami Audubon Society (8) _____ (to take) care of eagles if they (9) ____ (to hurt).Sea turtles (10) ____ (to have) a special place on Hutchinson Island, where their babies can grow. Babies (11) ___ (to protect) until they can swim out to sea. Porpoises (12) ____ (to catch) into large fishing nets. These fishlike animals (13) ____ (to find) in the wild, but they also (14) ___ (to do) tricks in shows around the world. They (15) ______ (to use) in many projects. Porpoises are playful animals, people can ride on their backs.

категория: английский язык


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