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igrok379 14 сентября 2023

Помогите поставить слова в нужную форму! 1 Dear Jessie, In your last email you asked about my friends. Well, I (have) lots offriends, and I (know) some of them since I started school. My best friend is Deirdre. We always (send) text messages to one another and we (try) to meet up as much as we can. I (start) a new hobby recently, rock climbing. Deirdre is much better than me so she (help) me. This weekend, my friends and I (go) out clubbing. One of them (celebrate) her birthday on Saturday. We're really excited as we (look) forward to it all week! I (take) my new digital camera with me so I'll send you some photos of the night.

категория: английский язык


Dear Jessie, In your last email you asked about my friends.Well, I have lots of friends, and I have known some of them since Istarted school. My best friend is Deirdre. We always send textmessages to one another and we try to meet up as much as we can. Ihave started a new hobby recently, rock climbing. Deirdre is much better thanme so she is helping me. This weekend, my friends and I will go out clubbing.One of them will celebrate her birthday on Saturday. We're really excitedas we are looking forward to it all week! I will take my new digital camera withme so I'll send you some photos of the night.

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