Помогите плиз с английским! ОченьПомогите плиз с английским!

bender 01 сентября 2023

Помогите плиз с английским! ОченьПомогите плиз с английским! Очень срочно! Вся надежда тольо на вас) open th brackets using an appropriate Future-tense-form where necessary.1) i (take) my sun-glass in case it is sunny.2. I don't think I can join you because my aunt and uncle (stay) with us this weekend.3. You don't work in class! I (phone) your mother about this.4. I (watch) television from eight o'clock to midnight.5. When you (repair) my bike, Daddy? -I (do) it tomorrow if I have time.6. It's so crowded iin here. I think, I (faint).-I (take) you outside for a while.7. I din't know when the concert (be) over.8. If he doesn't come I (be) upset.9. B the end of the summer he (teach) m to work with the computer.10. Have a good time in Italy! -Thanks. I (send) you a postcard.11. I think you (like) Nick when you met him.12. I (cook) spaghetti in case you get hungry.13. I feel terrible. I think I (have) to go to bed.

категория: английский язык


1 will take2 will stay3 will phone4 will watching5 will repair6 will faint, will take7 will be8 will be9 will teaching10 will send11 will like12 will cook13 will have

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