Помогите плиз на завтра.…

volshebnik777 20 ноября 2023

Помогите плиз на завтра. Ex 1. Make questoins and give negative answers. 1.Kate can speak English well. 2.You may take mybook.

категория: английский язык


ex.11.Can Kate speak Eng. well? No, she cant2.May i take your book? No, you may not (can't) 3.Must Bill learn the words? No, he mustn't4.Must i help my mother? No, you mustn't5.May i try this sweather? No, you may not6.Can my brother swim? No, he cantex.21.These men are doctors2.These women are my sisters3.These children are my sons4.We are students. We have a new uniform5.There are scarfs on the chair6.These are my sweaters7.Are these girls your sisters? 8.These coats are new

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