Помогите написать на английском о каком то происшедствии

nektos 06 октября 2023

Помогите написать на английском о каком то происшедствии

категория: английский язык


It was a beautiful spring day. I was waiting for my friend Anna near her house. We had decided to go to the gig of a very famous british group, called Hadouken. They were in our town for the first time on their tour and lots of people had come to see them. The gig had started, everyone was fascinated. Unluckili, no one noticed the wooden ceiling. Suddenly, the fireworks came out and everything was set on fire. While the group was singing, they hurt their skin. It was like a hell. Everyone were running out. People near the stage were looking for an emergency exit but it had been locked. Luckily, my friend and I were out when the whole building was burning. It is a miracle thateveryone survived. In conclusion I can say I think I would never go to any gigs anymore.

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