Помогите.a) Work in pairs

ksaazaks 16 сентября 2023

Помогите.a) Work in pairs. Make up a conversation about your summer holidays. Use the questions below. Where were you? Who were you with? How long have you been? What did you do? Did you go \ swimming \ fishing \ diving \ dancing \ hiking \ windsurfing? Did you play \ tennis \ football\ volleyball \cards? Did you take \ Photographs \ long walks? Did you \ sunbathe \ visit any museums \ write postcards \ meet anybody? Did anything unusual happen to you? b) Report back to the class what you remember about your partner's holiday.

категория: английский язык


Hello, имя любое! Where were you on summer holidays? Hi, имя! I was in Greece! Really? Who was with you? I was with my family. I was there 2 week.Did you swiiming, diving, dancing? Yes, and i play wiyh my new friends cards, tennis, volleyball. And where were you? I was in Kazan. I was in the Universiade.Did you take some photos? Yes, I will watch it tommorow. ok, thank you.

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