Плиз переведите на английский следующий текст. Заранее спасибо

sergeyav 03 октября 2023

Плиз переведите на английский следующий текст. Заранее спасибо

категория: английский язык


Festive Seasons1. Competition in the Scottish Highlands. Party games, dressed in a traditional Scottish kilt, will compete in the hammer throw in the contest, which is held in Glenfinnane. Traditional Scottish games consist of events, dancing, food and drink, take a break from everyday work.2. Vegetarian Festival, Thailand. Believers church on Bang Neow, participate in a parade Vegetarian Festival in Phuket, Thailand, stick a gun in protest. Chinese immigrants gave rise to this Taoist ceremony in 1825, when the people who believe in God, eat vegetarian food, to escape the epidemic.3. Celebrating the Body of Christ (Corpus Christi) , Spain. The masked man known as El Colacho, symbol of Satan, jumps over a group of girls. The centuries-old ritual is designed to protect children from evil spirits. Celebrating Chorpus Christi, held every year in Castrillo de Murcia, Spain, and paid tribute to the Catholic celebration of Holy Communion.4. Lantern Festival, Taiwan. Glowing lights are up hope and prayer Thai New Year. Celebrated the first night of the full moon of the new year. Night Light is a traditional holiday in China and Taiwan. And if its origin is still unknown, the festival seems to have a long life lies ahead — in recent years, the festival also hosts fireworks and light shows.5. Mardi Gras, Louisiana. Fat Tuesday — a classic celebration in New Orleans. This annual celebration gives Christians the opportunity to have some fun before the start of Lent. In New Orleans, collecting the beads is part of the celebration since the organizers began to throw them into the crowd, in the early 20's.

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