Переведите пожалуйста. Только не через переводчики, а нормально

sayman411 26 августа 2024

Переведите пожалуйста. Только не через переводчики, а нормально. В лесу по узенькой дорожке шла, синея шапочка. В корзинке лежалирозовые пельмени, которые она приготовила утром для бабушки. Дорога до дома составляла всего пары минут. Отрыв дверь она не увидела бабушку, лишь волк жадно улыбнулся при ее появлении.

категория: английский язык


In the forest, along a narrow path was, blue cap. In the basket were pink ravioli, which she had prepared in the morning for his grandmother. The road to the house was only couple of minutes. Disengage the door she saw the grandmother, a greedy wolf smiled when it appears.- Where is Grandmother? — Asked, blue jacket, looking at the wolf naive eyes.- Save me, blue cap, I did not know that your grandmother medalist in karate. — All of a sudden out of the kitchen grandmother.- Blue cap is you, you're just in time for pies wolf. — Wolf was in effect from the spoken word karate.Suddenly burst into the room a hunter, holding a hare, which looked at the pleading alone growing tree.- Well, where are my pies from a wolf? — Gathering all the strength, let your tree branches out of the window to save the hare. The hare ran quickly toward the woods. Bullock ran after them. A hunter, a blue hat with a pink dumplings and grandmother and left standing in the room.

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