PARTICIPLE 1 OR 2: Most people

cabriolet 21 ноября 2023

PARTICIPLE 1 OR 2: Most people (to live) in Scotland are called Scots I do not know what was in the (to burn) letter I did not read it The news was so (to excite) that I could not stay at home longer. (to walk) along the street I saw several (destroy) houses. 3. OPEN THE BRACKETS AND PUT THE RIGHT FORM: . 1. My elder brother (just , buy) a new CD player. 2. He (to play) records since eight o’clock this morning and he is driving me crazy. 3. The party (already, to start) by the time I arrived. 4. When I (to see) your friend , I (to let) her know about your arrival. 5 She (to drive) to school by her mother every day . 6. Mother said that Tom usually (to get up) at eight o’clock. 4. FILL IN THE PREPOSITION WHERE NECESSARY: 1. I would like to know what influenced … . his decision. 2. He got angry and shouted … the top of his voice. 3. You can easily see her devotion … . the family. 4. Granny is ill so I have to look … . her. 5. Have you read any books … . the history of Art? 6. What mark did you get … . English yesterday? 5. TRANSLATE THE WORD IN THE BRACKETS: We worked so (усердно) that he made himself ill. 2. If you want to be fit (делай) these exercises every morning. 3. You do not have to (ожидать) until you get home . 4. Try not (делать) mistakes in the test. 4 points 6. PLURAL OR SINGULAR. CHOOSE THE RIGHT ITEM.: Your advices are (advice is) always welcome. My sister is proud of her hair . It is (they are) long and shining. I have much money . I do not know how to use them (it). There were (there was) more and more bad news coming from Iraq. We are looking for the police. Where is it (are they)?

категория: английский язык


Most people living in Scotland are called Scots I do not know what was in the burnt letter I did not read it The news was so exciting that I could not stay at home longer. Walking along the street I saw several destroyed houses. 3. OPEN THE BRACKETS AND PUT THE RIGHT FORM: . 1. My elder brother has just bought a new CD player. 2. He has been playing records since eight o’clock this morning and he is driving me crazy. 3. The party had already started by the time I arrived. 4. When I see your friend , I will let her know about your arrival. 5 She is driven to school by her mother every day . 6. Mother said that Tom usually got up at eight o’clock. 4. FILL IN THE PREPOSITION WHERE NECESSARY: 1. I would like to know what influenced — his decision. 2. He got angry and shouted at the top of his voice. 3. You can easily see her devotion to the family. 4. Granny is ill so I have to look after her. 5. Have you read any books on the history of Art? 6. What mark did you get in English yesterday? 5. TRANSLATE THE WORD IN THE BRACKETS: He worked so hard that he made himself ill. 2. If you want to be fit do these exercises every morning. 3. You do not have to wait until you get home . 4. Try not make mistakes in the test. 4 points6. PLURAL OR SINGULAR. CHOOSE THE RIGHT ITEM.: Your advice is always welcome. My sister is proud of her hair . It is long and shining. I have much money . I do not know how to use it . There was more and more bad news coming from Iraq. We are looking for the police. Where are they?

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