Очень прошу помощи. По английскому сочинения очень плохие…

loyal 26 августа 2024

Очень прошу помощи. По английскому сочинения очень плохие, поэтому может тройка выйти. Помогите написать сочинение на тему «Мой любимый фильм». Можнолюбой. Предложений 10. Желательно с переводом. Заранее спасибо за помощь.

категория: английский язык


I really like Harry Potter movies. I enjoy all eight movies,because they're so impressive, so I will not stop watching themsometimes. Recently I have watched the last movie of Harry Potteragain — "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part two". So some peoplesay that "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part one" was a bitboring, so I am sure that the last one isn't boring at all, it is verythrilling. I suppose, the first thrilling and maybe funny thing in thefilm was when after all the students had been got together under theorder professor Snape, professor Snape tells them that the security ofHogwarts (it is the school of Magic Craft and Wizardry) is so high thatHarry Potter will never step on Hogwarts grounds, but then Harry Pottercomes out of the crowd of pupils, scoffes and tells everyone who killedDumbldore, it was Snape. It was a thrilling, but laughable momentthough. Then professor McGonagall fights Snape, and then professor Snapedoes a bunk. The next episode is really thrilling too. A battle forHogwarts soon starts. I think that the music in this episode plays thegreatest role, so it is very catchy, everything looked realistic. So everything in the movie was very colorful, spectacular and gripping the whole movie! I liked Harry Potter movie! Все права защищены.

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