shaitan4eg 12 октября 2023

ОБРАЗУЙТЕ ВОПРОСИТЕЛЬНУЮ ФОРМУ 1) The students were in Mr. Pristli`s study 2) They understood the story very well 3) The children ale too many ices 4) Thisartist drew the picture of the story 5) Hob drank tea for breakfast 6) Hob went to the wedding 7) The cows ate all the cabbages 8) The boys saw the sun rise this morning 9) The girls put their books on my desk 10) The cat went up the tree 11) Tom saw the cat near the top of the tree 12) Helen put her arms round Tom`s neck and kissed him 13 Hob said that

категория: английский язык


Were students in Mr.Prinstili`s studey? Did They understand the story well? Did children eat too many ices? Did this artist drow the picture of the story? Did Hob drink tea for breakfast? Did Hob go to the wedding? Did the cows eat all the cabbages? Did the boys see the sun rise this morning? Did the girls put their books on my desk? Did the cat go up the tree? Did Tom see the cat near the top of the tree? Did Helen put her arms round Tom`s neck and kissed him? Did Hob say that?

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