Нужно составить рассказ о трех мышках

tpoion 10 октября 2023

Нужно составить рассказ о трех мышках

категория: английский язык


Once upon a time there were three little mice. Called them Teenie, Tony and Thani. They lived in peace and friendship and is cheerful, always protected each other. Once they very much wanted some cheese and decided it to get in the house at aunt Anna. At aunt Anna there lived a big and fat cat by name of the Pirate, but they weren't frightened of it and came to it to the house. When mice took cheese in a room the aunt Anna came and cried. The cat heard its shout and ran to the aid but as it was too stout he didn't manage to catch mice and they escaped. And in the evening three mice by name of Teenie, Tony and Thani made to themselves a fine dinner.

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