Найдите правильный ответ Воросы.…

zavarkos 13 ноября 2023

Найдите правильный ответ Воросы. 1. May I have a piece of that cake, please. 2. May I leave the room, please? 3. May I use your phone? 4. May I bring my sister to your party? 5. May I eat my dinner in the living room, please? 6. May I have a pen, please? Ответы 1. No, you may not. You can eat it in the kitchen/ 2. Here you are/ 3. Not yet. It is still very hot! 4. Yes, but do not be too long. 5. Yes, of course. 6. Of coure you may. What is her name.

категория: английский язык


1. May I have a piece of that cake, please.3. Not yet. It is still very hot! 2. May I leave the room, please? 4. Yes, but do not be too long.3. May I use your phone? 5. Yes, of course. 4. May I bring my sister to your party? 6. Of coure you may. What is her name? 5. May I eat my dinner in the living room, please? 1. No, you may not. You can eat it in the kitchen.6. May I have a pen, please? 2. Here you are.

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