Народ, помогите. Нужно написать рассказ о городе Помпеи…

heks87 31 августа 2024

Народ, помогите. Нужно написать рассказ о городе Помпеи, указать там интересные места, (фото не обязательно), некоторые ископаемые, памятники. Естественно все на англ. Заранее спасибо=)

категория: английский язык


The city of Pompeii is located on the shore of the Gulf of Naples in 12 kilometers from Naples at the foot of the volcano Vesuvius, which is associated with the most terrible event in his life, which divided the life of the city into two eras.The city of Pompeii was founded in the VIII century before our era древнеиталийским tribe oscans,. Thanks to the favourable position he soon grew into an important road and the port site and thus has begun to attract the attention of the neighboring States. First, it took the Greeks, then the Etruscans, in the V century BC самниты, and in 310 BC the Romans. Ruled Помпеями two Regent, elected for five years, and the Supreme Council of the 100 residents of the city.By the first century of our era Pompeii become an important industrial and commercial centre and there are about 20 thousand people, mostly traders, вольноотпущенные citizens and slaves from the Campaign, Greece and Asia, as well as a few Patricia самнитского or Roman origin.And so, in the 62 year of strong aftershocks rocked the city, located around Vesuvius, partially destroyed Pompeii, Herculaneum, Стабию, Neapolis, Нукерию. Earthquakes continued with increasing frequency and in subsequent years. They, as now established scientists, testified about the progress of the magma to the surface and the possibility of an imminent eruption. No one felt the danger. Here it is built luxury villas of wealthy Romans.The domination of Rome in the Mediterranean sea to promote the free exchange of , mainly due to the production and sale of wine and oil. The economy of Pompeii has continued to flourish, that allowed to start the construction of the most important public buildings, such as the Amphitheater and the Odeon.At first, few of the residents of Pompeii drew attention to a cloud of ash and steam, which rose above the volcano mount Vesuvius on August 24, 79 years of our era, because Vesuvius has long been considered dead volcano. Soon a black cloud covered the sky above the city, flakes of ash fell on the roofs of houses, pavements, trees. Under the layer of bright colours of the city fading, merging in a uniform gray background.Continuous tremors constantly shook the ground. Started earthquake was so strong that the carts on the streets began to topple, and with the houses statue fell and shattered tiles. On the street you can get, only his head covered with a pillow, because after the ashes from the sky began to fall and the stones.Rising from the crater of the volcano plume reached a height of 20 kilometers. Many people try to hide from the ashes of the houses, but the air is quickly filled with poisonous sulphur fumes and people died from suffocation. Under the weight of the ashes of the roofs of the houses обваливались on the sheltered in their inhabitants. Many died, unable to leave valuable things. During the excavations there were found a lot of people with bags and bags of gold and other jewelry.During the eruption of many помпеянцы sat in the theater, where the performances took place or the fights of gladiators. The explosion was stretched out in time, so most of the inhabitants of Pompeii managed to leave the city. In the city there were slaves, which left specially protect private property, and citizens, stubbornly refused to leave their homes. The morning of the next day met remaining in the vicinity of people darkness, the air became hot. The eruption of Vesuvius completely destroyed Pompeii.

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