Напишите сочинение про тему мой любимый песатель

serg7777 28 сентября 2023

Напишите сочинение про тему мой любимый песатель

категория: английский язык


I'm fond of reading, especially detective stories. So, my favourite writer is Agatha Christie. She is known as the Queen of Crime. Her works were translated in many languages and many of her novels and short stories were filmed. Agatha began writing at the end of the First World War. Her personages Hercules Poirot and Miss Marple became as popular as Sherlock Holmes. Actually Hercules Poirot is my favourite character. I adore his uncommon intellect and how he manages to find brilliant solutions to the most complicated crimes. To my mind Agatha Christie's works are so fascinating and captivating that people will continue to read them 100 later.

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