Напиши пожалуйста сочинение на английском языке

nutoha 24 июля 2024

Напиши пожалуйста сочинение на английском языке (9-10 предложений) на одну из тем: 1. Россия с первого взгляда 2. Добро пожаловать в Россию (информ. Для иностранцев) Люди в России (как иностранцы видят русских)

категория: английский язык


Russiais the largest countries in the world. It occupies about one-seventhpart of dry land. It is situated in Europe and in Asia. It's total areais over 17 million square kilometers, with population of 200 millionpeople. There are 1,030 towns and cities in this country. Moscow, with9,5 million people, is it's capital. The country is washed by seas andoceans. By Arctic Ocean in the north and the Pacific Ocean in the east.There are many rivers in Russia. The largest rivers are the Volga inEurope and the Yenisei and OB in Asia. The deepest lakes are the Baikaland Ladoga. All rivers flow in the seas. The relief of Russia ismostly flat. Russia is located on two plains the Great Russia Plain andthe Western Siberian Plain. There are three main mountains chains inRussia. The Caucasus is a range of mountains which extend from theBlack Sea to the Caspian Sea. The highest mountain is the Caucasus. Thehighest mountain in Caucasus in Russian Federation and in the wholeEurope Mount Elbrus is. The Urals extend from the Arctic Ocean to thesteppes. This mountain chain divides the European and Asian parts ofRussia. The Urals are famous for their valuable minerals. There are 150volcanoes in Kamchatka, 30 of which are active. Russia Federation isvery rich in minerals resources, such as oil, natural gas, coal,iron,gold and others. Russia borders on fourteen countries includingthe former republics of the USSR, which are now independent states.Russia borders with Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Poland, China, Mongolia,Korea, Japan, Kazakhstan and so on. Today Russia is one of the world'slargest grain products and exporters. It produced 78% of all itsnatural gas, 60% of steel,80% of timber and 91% of oil. So, todayRussia becomes greatest industrial country. The main cities of Russiaare: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa, Perm, Rostov — on — Don,Vladivostok. Many villages in Russia are famous for their specificcrafts: painted boxes in Palkn, Wooden tableware in Khokhloma, and toysin Dymkovo. Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is one of the biggestand most beautiful cities in the world. Moscow is the modern city. It'sthe political center, here the government of our country work. Moscowis the port of five seas, as the Volga Canal links Moscow with theBaltic, White, Caspian and Black seas and with Sea of Azov. Moscow isthe cultural center. There are a lot of theatres, museums, institutes,libraries and cinemas. Young people like to visit The Central MilitaryMuseum. There are many tanks, guns and war documents there. Everyonecan see The Kremlin and Red Square in the city. There are many finebuildings, wide streets, green parks, large squares, churches andmonuments in Moscow. There are a lot of famous monuments to Pushkin,Fedorov, and many, many others. Moscow is a very big city and it'stransport must be very comfortable and fast. There are a lot of buses,trolley-buses, trams, a lot of metro station (about 190 stations). Thereare 9 railway stations in Moscow and some airports around the city.The main stations in Moscow is The Central station in Luzhniki. Manycompetitions and football matches are held there. The Olympic villagewas build for the 22 Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. It's a big complexfor sport games. So I'm a patriot of my country and I love it verymuch.

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