Написать рассказ 8-10 предложений о Национальном парке Секвойя

erzgerzeg 16 сентября 2023

Написать рассказ 8-10 предложений о Национальном парке Секвойя. На английском языке

категория: английский язык


National Park Sequoia (eng. Sequoia National Park — national Park of the United States, is located in the southern part of the Sierra Nevada, to the East of the city Висалия (eng. Visalia) in California. The Park was founded in 1890, the third after the national parks Yellowstone and Макинак, subsequently abolished. The area of the Park 1 635 km2. The Park has a mountainous terrain, rising to a height of about 400 meters above sea level in the foothills to the top of the highest in the contiguous 48 States, mount Whitney height of 4 421,1 meters. The Park borders the national Park, kings Canyon. Both parks are managed by the U.S. national Park Service as a single unit — the national parks of the Sequoia and kings Canyon.

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