Написать как я провел свой зимей каникулы Срочно прошу

aleks37 09 мая 2024

Написать как я провел свой зимей каникулы Срочно прошу

категория: английский язык


My winter holiday was great! We celebrated New Year. I celebrated with my family and then with my friends. It was fun. I like this holiday. Every day I got up late. Then I played computer games or communicated with my friends on the Internet. One day we went to the cinema. We saw a horror film. I went with my friends and it was fun. I liked it. When the weather was nice we went for a walk or skied or skated. We made a snowman, sledded and played at snowballs. In the evening I read a book or watch TV or played chess with my best friend. I liked my holiday. I gathered strength and had good time.

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