III. Make sentences by combining two parts

kir-dorosh 24 сентября 2023

III. Make sentences by combining two parts. Use an infinitive phrase as in the example: 1. I heard him. He walked out of the room. Example: I heardhim walk out of the room. 2. She saw them. They left a building. 3. John invited Rose. "Come to my party". 4. I felt something. It touched me. 5. I advised him. "Don`t buy a used car." 6. The boy cries. The pain made it. 7. I listened to him. He was telling me his story. 8. The man saw somebody. He (she) stopped in front of his door.

категория: английский язык


2. She saw them leave a building.3. John invited Rose to come to his party.4. I felt something touch me.5. I advised him not to buy a used car.6. The pain made the boy cry.7. I listened to him telling me his story.8. The man saw somebody stop in front of his door.

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