Identify thecorrect Conditional Type: CONDITIONALS: types 0…

greenof 15 октября 2023

Identify thecorrect Conditional Type: CONDITIONALS: types 0, 1 and 2 1. If I were you, I… how to drive a car. (learn) 2. if I only … where he works. (know) 3. If we had called the travel agent earlier, we… . tickets to Toronto. (get) 4. If Matthew … . earlier to the party, he would see Billy. (arrive) 5I wish I… . the flu. (have not) 6. What would you do if your car … . in the middle of nowhere? (break) 7. If the service in a restaurant is bad, you … . not expected to leave a tip.8. If you plan to visit someone at home, you … . supposed to call first.9. If I am invited to the party, I … buy a nice present.10. I wish I … . when there is an emergency. (not/ faint).

категория: английский язык


1. If I were you, I would learn how to drive a car. (learn) 2. if I only I knew where he works. (know) 3. If we had called the travel agent earlier, we would have gotten tickets to Toronto. (get) 4. If Matthew arrived earlier to the party, he would seeBilly. (arrive) 5I wish I didn't have the flu. (have not) 6.What would you do if your car broke in the middle of nowhere? (break) 7. If the service in a restaurant is bad, you are not expected to leave a tip.8. If you plan to visit someone at home, you are supposed to call first.9. If I am invited to the party, I will buy a nice present.10. I wish I didn't faint when there is an emergency. (not/ faint)

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