I. To Supply the necessary preposition: 1) discuss contract terms…

greklin 09 ноября 2023

I. To Supply the necessary preposition: 1) discuss contract terms _______ smb. a) to b) with c) at 2) to deliver the goods ______ 6 months a) before b) inc) at 3) to be convenient _____ somebody a) to b) at c) for 4) to accept payment _____ collection a) before b) in c) for

категория: английский язык


I. To Supply the necessary preposition: 1) discuss contract terms _______ smb. a) to b) with c) at 2) to deliver the goods ______ 6 months a) before b) in c) at 3) to be convenient _____ somebody a) to b) at c) for 4) to accept payment _____ collection a) before b) in c) for

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