He said, "I like this song." 2. "Where is your sister?

tomson8888 18 октября 2023

He said, "I like this song." 2. "Where is your sister? " she asked me. 3. "I don't speak Italian," shesaid.

категория: английский язык


1) He said he liked that song.2. She asked me where my sister was.3. She said she didn't speak Italian.4.They said to say hello to Jim.5. He said the film had begun at seven o'clock.6. She said to boys not to play on the grass.7. She asked him where he had spent his money.8. He said she never made mistakes.9. He wanted to know if she knew Robert.10. The stuntman told the audience not to try that at home.11. She said she had been very tired.12. She said to Ben to be careful.13. She said she would get herself a drink.14. He asked me why I hadn't phoned him.15. He said he couldn't drive them home.16. She asked Peter if he prefered tea or coffee.17. She asked me where I had spent my holidays previous year.18. He said not to go too far.19. He asked us if we had been shopping.20. He said not to make so much noise.

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