Fnp. 197. Раскройте скобки…

devid777 30 сентября 2023

Fnp. 197. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла голы в Past Simple или Past Continuous. I. They (to translate) a difficult text yesterday, 2. I (to open) thewindow at six o'clock yesterday, 3. You (to go) to the cinema yesterday? 4. I (not to sec) Mike last week. 5, When I (to open) the door, my friends (to sit) around the table. 6. When you (tu begin) doing your homework yesterday? 7. We (tu discuss) the latest news from three till four yesterday. 8. When I (to read) the newspaper yes terday, I (to find) an interesting article on UFOs, 9. Lena (to sweep) the floor on Sunday. 10. Lena (t sweep) the floor from eleven till twelve on Sun day. 11. They (to go) to the wood last Sunday? 12, When they (to sail) down the river they (to sc-.-j a little island. 13. We (to work) the whole morning yesterday, 14. Mother (to cook) dinner at three o'clock yesterday. 15. She (to finish) cook-| ing at four o'clock yesterday. 16. At half past four yesterday we (to have) dinner. 17. You (to watch) I TV yesterday? — - Yes, we (to watch) TV the whole evening yesterday. 18. When you (to go) to bed yesterday? 19. 1 (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yes-I terday. 20. At half past ten yesterday I (to sleep). 21. When I (to come) home from school yesterday, r little brother (to sit) on the floor with all his toys around him. He (to play) with them. I (to tell) him to put his toys into the box as he (to make) too much noise.

категория: английский язык


I. They translated a difficult text yesterday,2. I opened the window at six o'clock yesterday,3. Did you go to the cinema yesterday? 4. I did not see Mike last week.5, When I opened the door, my friends were sitting around the table.]6. When did you begin doing your homework yesterday? 7. We were discussing the latest news from three till four yesterday.8. When I was reading the newspaper yes terday, I found an interesting article on UFOs,9. Lena swept the floor on Sunday.10. Lena was sweeping the floor from eleven till twelve on Sun day.11. Did they go to the wood last Sunday? 12, When they were sailing down the river they saw a little island.13. We worked the whole morning yesterday,14. Mother was cooking dinner at three o'clock yesterday.15. She finished cooking at four o'clock yesterday.16. At half past four yesterday we were having dinner.17. Did you watch TV yesterday? — - Yes, we watched TV the whole evening yesterday.18. When did you go to bed yesterday? 19. 1 went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.20. At half past ten yesterday I was sleeping.21. When I came home from school yesterday, a little brother was sitting on the floor with all his toys around him. He was playing with them. I TOLD him to put his toys into the box as he was making too much noise.

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