Fill in the blanks as in the example: M: I`m happy. I`m not women!

portamix 26 сентября 2023

Fill in the blanks as in the example: M: I`m happy. I`m not women! W: Why? M: Men are 1) better then (good) women. W: But you are 2) … . (stupid) person Iknow! M: Don`t be horrible. Men are 3) … (intelligent) … .women. They are 4) … . (logical) and 5) … (good) cooks… .women are! W: Your ideas are 6) … (old-fashioned) … .mine. I think women are 7) … . (clever). They are 8) … (sensible) and 9) … . (practical) … . men are -and men are 10) … (bad) drivers than women because women are 11) … . (patient). M: But men are 12) … (athletic) W: oh, please . Let`s talk about someting else . This is 13) … (ridiculous) conversation I have ever had!

категория: английский язык


M: I`m happy. I`m not women! W: Why? M: Men are 1) better then the best women.W: But you are 2) the most stupid person I know! M: Don`t be horrible. Men are 3) more (intelligent than women. They are 4) more logical and 5) better cooks than women are! W: Your ideas are 6) more old-fashioned than mine. I think women are 7) the cleverest. They are 8) more sensible and 9) more practical than men are -and men are 10) worse drivers than women because women are 11) more patient.M: But men are 12) more athleticW: oh, please . Let`s talk about someting else . This is 13) the most ridiculous conversation I have ever had!

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