Fill in say,speak or tell.1. Why did he … this?

asazh 19 октября 2023

Fill in say,speak or tell.1. Why did he … this? 2. He did not … me about it.3. Do you … . english? 4. My aunt can … . two foreign languages.5. Dont … anybody about it.6. Dont … . to him about it! 7. Dont … at the lesson! 8. She doesnt like to … . about her trip.9. She doesnt want to … anything about her trip.10. Did she … you anything about her trip? Помогите пожалуйста, нужно вставить say,speak или tell

категория: английский язык


1. Why did he say this? 2. He did not tellme about it.3. Do you speak english? 4. My aunt can speak two foreign languages.5. Dont tell anybody about it.6. Dont say to him about it! 7. Dont speak at the lesson! 8. She doesnt like to speak about her trip.9. She doesnt want to tell anything about her trip.10. Did she tell you anything about her trip?

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