Dear John, It s nice to know that you (1.be) still on holiday…

mark9115 30 сентября 2023

Dear John, It s nice to know that you (1.be) still on holiday . I wonder what you are doing now . You (2. fish)? You (3.swim)? You (4.lie) in the sun? Anyway I hope you (5.enjoy) yourself . Only a few days ago I (6.fish) , (7.swim) and (8. lie) in the sun too . But it (9.be) over now and I (10 . be) back at school. The weather has changed and it (11. rain) heavily . And only yesterday the sun (12.shine) brightly in the cloudess sky . I think that autumn (13 . be) here . What is the weather like where you are? Is it cold and foggy or is it warm and sunny? A wind (14 . blow)? Our textbooks (15. write) so much about the weather in Britain . I d like to know if what they write is true . With best wishes , Sasha Пожалуйста раскройте скобки

категория: английский язык


Dear John, It s nice to know that you are still on holiday . I wonder what are you doing now . Are you fishing? Are you swimming? Are you lying in the sun? Anyway I hope you are enjoying yourself . Only a few days ago I was fishing, swimming and lying in the sun too . But it is over now and I am back at school. The weather has changed and it rains heavily . And only yesterday the sun shone brightly in the cloudess sky . I think that autumn is here . What is the weather like where you are? Is it cold and foggy or is it warm and sunny? Is a wind blowing? Our textbooks write so much about the weather in Britain . I d like to know if what they write is true . With best wishes , Sasha

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