Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.1.Listen!

graboid 02 сентября 2023

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.1.Listen! What… she (play)? -It's my favourite song.2.My little sister has chosen Musicians' Club. She… . (play) the guitar.3.Jonh! What… .you (do)? -I… (write) a letter to my English penfriend.4.The children… . (write) ,… . (read) and… . (count) at school.5.Why… you (cry)? -I can't do my Maths homework. It's very difficult. Will you help me? 6.Look! The little boy… (feed) the rabbit.7.We… (feed) the parrot in the morning and in the evening.

категория: английский язык


1.Listen! What.is she playing? -It's my favourite song.2.My little sister has chosen Musicians' Club. She plays the guitar.3.Jonh! What.are you doing? -I.am writing a letter to my English penfriend.4.The children write, read and count at school.5.Whyare you crying? -I can't do my Maths homework. It's very difficult. Will you help me? 6.Look! The little boy.is feeding the rabbit.7.We feed the parrot in the morning and in the evening.

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