Complete the sentences with the correctprepositions

homks 27 октября 2023

Complete the sentences with the correctprepositions.about , at , by , in , of , on , with1. I get really annoyed … my brother whenhe plays his music too loudly.2. I sometimes get really worried … . tests at school .3. My friend Ray is a great DJ. He's keen … all types of music.4.I'm not interested … classical music. l prefer R & B.5,0ur teacher is fed up … . my friend chewing gum in class.6.I love music, but l'n bad… . silging and dancing.7.My mum's got a phobia about spiders. She s really frightened … them.8.We were surprised … . Grandad's practical joke .

категория: английский язык


1) with2) about3) on4) in5) with6) in7) about8) at

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