Complete the sentences

cucumbers 20 октября 2023

Complete the sentences. Use have to or had to+one of these verbs: answer, buy, change, get, go0. There were no buses yesterday evening. We had to walk home.1. I am going to bed early tonight. I ___ up early tomorrow morning.2. It is late. I ___ now. I'll see you tomorrow.3. I went to the supermarket after work because I ___ some food.4. This train doesn't go to London. You ___ at Bristol.5. We did an exam yesterday. We ___ six questions out of ten.

категория: английский язык


1. I am going to bed early tonight. I have to get up early tomorrow morning.2. It is late. I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow.3. I went to the supermarket after work because I had to buy some food.4. This train doesn't go to London. You have to change at Bristol.5. We did an exam yesterday. We had to answer six questions out of ten.

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